Mario Zaki
During my career, I have advised clients on effective – and cost-effective – approaches to developing infrastructure that fosters productivity and profitability. My work has provided me with a broad-based knowledge of business from the inside, with an expertise in areas that go beyond IT alone, ranging from strategic planning to cloud computing to workflow automation solutions.
Appears in 34 Episodes
11. Make It Happen To Somebody Else
The sad reality of cybercrime (and crime in general) is that there will always be criminals. Like I was taught when I worked as an armed guard for an armored car compa...

10. The Russians Are Coming! and what to do about it
In most episodes we talk about the devastating financial and emotional cost of a breach. This time, as far as public record goes, "The company does not expect the inci...

9. Sorry You Were Hacked - Here's a $480M Lawsuit to Brighten Your Day
An Ontario hospital system is hit with ransomware. 20,000 appointments cancelled. 267,000 patient records leaked. 3,000 employee records leaked. That's all you've got?...

8. MGM CyberNightmare
Key point: It's all about the people. We are the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Training, policies and procedures, and 3rd party assessments are your friend.